Wedding Industry Social Media Marketing + Business Tips for Wedding Professionals

How to Grow Your Wedding Business Online

Can you believe we're already past the halfway point of the first month of 2017? Have you set any goals for yourself and your business that you would love to see happen this year?

Are you looking for ways to Grow Your Wedding Business Online and reach the ever growing number of brides planning their big day with the use of social media?

Click to Learn How to Grow Your Wedding Business Online - for each week of the year / Marketing Strategies for Wedding Business Owners / as seen on

One of my main goals for 2017 is to continue building an amazing community of creative wedding + event professionals and to help them {you} grow on social media. So, I thought to myself . . . how can I make this happen? The results? The 52 Weeks of Wedding Photos Instagram Challenge was created.

This 52 week photo Instagram challenge is for wedding photographers, wedding planners + stylists, invitation designers, jewelry designers, wedding accessory creators, floral designers, bakers and more.

You will join a fun Instagram Challenge that will introduce you to others and TOGETHER we will build a community of event and wedding professionals that want to grow organically and reach our targeted audiences. You will be able to network and find clients. Each week you will have the chance to increase your following and be seen by more and more by your target audience as you continually participate in the challenge. The more often you join and take action, the quicker your wedding business will grow. Growth won't happen on it's own . . . you need to actively participate in your own business and get yourself out there to connect and engage with others.

PLUS . . . as an added bonus when you join and participate in the Instagram Challenge - you have the chance to be shared to my 41,000+ social reach as well as being featured on my blog and/or in my newsletter to brides. I'd say that's a very good deal.

Just so you can see, the first week of entries was amazing - here's a little preview of the talented wedding + event professionals joining the Instagram Challenge.

Photo Credits: Top Left @vibevents // Top Right @funtoeatfruit / 📷 @naturalblissphoto // Bottom Left @4everincredible // Bottom Right @bellezzainvitations

If you're ready to take your Wedding Business Growth to an even higher level - I invite you to join my Pro Team - the perks are amazing and I will put my 15 years of experience in the wedding industry to work for you. I'll help you get on the path to success with marketing strategies that work.

Skipped to the Bottom? . . .

Join the 52 Weeks of Wedding Photos Instagram Challenge to grow your Wedding Business each week, all year long
Join my free community for creative wedding + event professionals where I share daily marketing strategies to grow your business
Join my Pro Team to take your Wedding Business Growth to an even higher level

Social Media Growth Report September 2016

I'm into my 4th month where I post something very real, and something that holds me accountable for the goals I set for myself. I took the last few months off, but I'm back this month and hoping that by sharing my social media stats and marketing plans it will encourage you to set goals for yourself and your business as well.

Social Media Growth Report for Brenda's Wedding Blog - September 2016 -

Feel free to leave a comment and then join me in my Facebook Group for Wedding Pros where I'll be posting and asking my members to join in the conversation.

My main goals each month are of course to keep increasing my following within my niche market and continue being engaging. In return, this will lead to an increase in sales and conversions to my promoted link. Our social media efforts should be resulting in rewards for our time, right? And, while the higher numbers are wonderful - please remember that they won't mean anything if they aren't coming from your targeted audience.

Whether it's making connections, gaining new clients or growing our email list - we all need to have goals with our social media postings. What will your October social media goals be? Continue reading to see how my September ended up and then share your October goals in the comments . . .

So, here's my social media following numbers from July 1st to September 30, 2016
{please note - this is a 3 month time span}

Pinterest: from 11,642 to 12,520 > gained 878 {average gain of 292 per month}

Instagram: from 3,406 to 3,815 > gained 409 {average gain of 136 per month}

Twitter: from 19,747 to 19,940 > gained 193 {average gain of 64 per month}

Facebook: from 3,699 to 3,782 > gained 83 {average gain of 27 per month}

Periscope: from 623 to 651 > gained 28

Google+: from 607 to 620 > gained 13

I had a gain across all social media channels like previous months. My biggest gains were with Pinterest and Instagram which are the ones I continually put the most focus on as they are continually driving traffic {and sales} back to my site.

In addition to continually growing and building my social media following - these are my goals for October 2016

1. I'll continue to share marketing tips with Wedding Pros in my Facebook Group

2. I'm finishing wrapping up my very first Instagram Challenge which is receiving amazing feedback {partnerships, higher engagement, etc}. Once this challenge is finished - I will be announcing something HUGE - so please stay tuned.

3. I will continue promoting my FREE Social Media Content Calendar for Wedding Pros which is an entire month of content ideas to make social media fun and relevant to your followers.

4. I also plan to launch my brand new logo which I've slowly been getting ready for with the introduction of orange into the color palette of the graphics and text on the blog :)

Now, it's your turn to leave me a comment and let me know what goals do you have for October with your business? Let's hold each other accountable.

5 Apps + Programs to Make Instagram Easy to Use

Today I have 5 Apps and/or Programs you can start using today to get Instagram working quicker and more efficiently for you and your business.

Top 5 Apps and Programs that make Instagram Easy to Use | What are the Top Instagram Apps? / as seen on

I'm guessing you wish there was an easy button when it comes to getting Instagram really working for you, right? Well, there's a few scheduling apps that I use and I have another for tracking engagement and another to keep track of which posts are generating the most clicks {which also means these posts are what my audience wants more of}.

PS: Did you hear about the Make a Statement Instagram Challenge? It's all about how to Post * Engage * Grow to make a statement with your Instagram Feed. I'll be sharing some great insight into making this happen along with a trick that no one has even shared - oh, and there's no daily prompts and no webinar at the end pushing a $200+ course. It's an Instagram Course for the Wedding Industry like no other.

Now, that you've joined the Instagram challenge - let's get started with those Instagram Apps and Programs to make your life easier . . . {this post contains a referral link to a program I fully support}

1. Tracking Engagement with Iconosquare
I love using Iconosquare as each day I am emailed my previous day's engagement rate and my following growth. There's many other features in the program which is web based including comment replying/liking, seeing which posts have received the most comments/likes/engagement, tracking specific hashtags, followings that don't follow you back, followers you don't follow back, average likes received per post, and much more.
Cost: various pricing levels
{14 day no-cost trial}

2. Tracking Instagram Clicks with Link in Profile
Since Instagram only gives you one click and changing that link for each post when they direct to different urls can be a pain. With Link in Profile, you simply add a url to each caption and then use the special link provided by Link in Profile in the url space in your Instagram bio. I have personally changed that specific link to a link for even more tracking purposes. Plus, it looks better than seeing a link to a domain that isn't yours - is a widely used link shortener for online. When a user clicks that url in your bio - they are directed to a page where they can see your Instagram feed and click on the photo they want more details on. You can see mine in action right here.
Cost: $9.99 a month
{30 day no-cost trial with my referral link - perfect timing for the challenge}

3. Scheduling posts with Later
I'll be honest and say this one seems a bit clunky for me. Being a graphic designer, I'm more visual so while I can view my feed as a grid as I add photos into Later - scheduling the actual posts is not as user friendly. But, this app let's you schedule and plan your posts in advance and they'll be ready to push thru to Instagram at the time you have planned. You will receive a notification on your phone/ipad at the scheduled time.
Cost: Free for up to 30 posts a month

4. Scheduling posts with Plann
I'm going to be honest and say I LOVE this app. It works beautifully and you can add in your photos and drag them around if you wish to get the perfect Instagram photo flow going. You can also schedule the posts and they are ready to go when you want them to be posted - you'll be notified too.
Cost: $8.99 one time fee

5. Scheduling posts directly within Instagram {sort of}
You can now prep your posts directly in Instagram and after typing in your caption, simply hit the back arrow twice and it will ask if you want to save as a draft. This doesn't let you set a specific time for posting {but you can always set your alarm}. It also won't give you a preview of your Instagram grid with the scheduled photos in place.

By knowing these tips before the Instagram challenge starts - you'll be ready to start right in on Monday morning. If you have any questions or thoughts feel free to reach out at any time - or simply leave me a comment below.

Until Next Time . . .

How I More than Quadrupled my Instagram Followers in 20 months - PLUS, a one-of-a-kind Challenge

First, you're probably wondering why the statement I make in this blog post title is a big deal when others are claiming they grew on Instagram in just weeks. Well, let me explain a few things . . .
1. I believe in NEVER EVER purchasing likes or followers
2. I believe in quality over quantity
3. I believe in making connections
4. I believe in slow and steady wins the race
5. I believe in having targeted followers {who become customers}
6. I believe in having an engaged audience. Instagram actually favors engagement over the number of followers. For example, maybe you have over 10k followers - but unless the majority of them are engaging on your account, it's pointless to focus on having that many following you.

Still not convinced? Here's what Davina recently shared:

"My audience has more than doubled in a few months since implementing several of Brenda's Instagram tips. The engagement was non existent now I wake up to likes, comments, inquires."

So, with that being said . . . who’s up for an Instagram challenge and to find out how I quadrupled by Instagram followers in 20 months? This Instagram Challenge for Wedding Pros is not like any you’ve ever seen!

In this Instagram Challenge - there will be . . .
• No Daily Prompts
• No set list of hashtags you have to include
{except for the one we all use to support each other}
• No webinar at the end that pushes a course for $200

So, you're probably asking - ok, so what's the catch? Well, you're only investment is my Ultimate Instagram Hashtag Guide for $29 and your commitment to say . . . "Heck yes - I’m ready to take my Instagram to the next level and use this platform as an add-on to my business".

Are you in? {if you already have the hashtag guide - you're already in the challenge - just head here to join the Instagram Challenge FB Group}

If you're ready to accept this challenge, grab your hashtag guide here {it's an instant download} and then get ready as the 14 day Instagram challenge kicks off on Monday October 3rd. This guide has hashtags for photographers, planners, floral designers {real + faux flowers}, bride to be’s, venues, wedding gifts, invitations, sweet shops, destinations, honeymoons, travel agents, and wedding shops. {It's an Instant Download}

I'm going to guess you are wondering why this challenge costs money? It's because for Instagram to work for you and your business, the one main thing you need to do, is use the right hashtags. And, when you have the Ultimate Instagram Hashtag Guide - you're one step ahead of the Insta-Game. This is the Instagram Challenge that will have you thinking about targeted hashtags, your engagement and your photo quality to take your account to the next level and reach your audience. It's not about following everyone that's in the challenge. You want your followers to be targeted and those that will engage with your posts {to eventually become customers and/or find you to inquire for your services}.

The results of this Instagram Challenge are to . . .
1. gain the right followers
2. attract your target audience
3. increase your engagement

I will even be revealing an Instagram Strategy that works and it’s one that NO ONE HAS TOLD YOU ABOUT YET!!!

PS: you will be a part of a private fb group for the challenge to share results, cheer each other on and more

So - let's get ready for a fun Instagram Challenge like no other

Step 1: Purchase the Ultimate Instagram Hashtag Guide {instant download}
Step 2: Join the FB Group for the Instagram Challenge
{already have the guide? skip step 1 and simply join the FB group}

How I More than Quadrupled My Instagram Followers {targeted and in my niche} PLUS an Instagram Challenge for Wedding Pros. Be sure to click if you're ready to Make A Statement with Your Instagram Account
Top 3 Instagram Marketing Mistakes to Avoid and How to Fix them ASAP

Stop! Are you hurting your growth on Instagram by making these three big mistakes?

Here’s the top 3 ways Instagrammers are hurting themselves and the growth potential of their business when they post. But, have no fear because they are easy to fix :) And, I have a special surprise for you at the end of this post :)

1. Are you tagging photos with other Instagram accounts to get their attention?

If tagging others in a photo with vendors that are involved in the photo, you are totally a-ok. However, I often find myself tagged in photos that I had no involvement in at all. They weren’t styled shoots I worked on. They weren’t features from my blog. I usually have not even ever had an interaction with this company before. They are simply tagging me in the hopes I’ll notice them. I always remove myself from the tagged photos I was not involved in as I don’t want these photos showing up in my photo feed on my account. While I simply remove myself from the tagged photo - you do run the chance of being reported. Some will report your photo instead of removing their tag and this hurts you and your account as your account can be shut down or temporarily disabled if reported too often. If I’m repeatedly tagged by another company, I will message them asking them to kindly stop.

Bottom Line: Don’t tag others on a photo unless they were involved. You don't want them looking likes this.


2. Are you using automated replies for commenting?

This is a huge no no. While you might think you’re making your life easier by not being fully 100% on Instagram and automating your replies - this will hurt you. People in a niche businesses {ex. weddings}, often follow the same people and engage with each other. When they keep seeing the same reply {and often the reply doesn’t even apply to the photo being shared} it sheds a bad light on you and your business.

Bottom Line: Never used automated comments. It makes you look bad all around.


3. Are you posting and not including hashtags? Or not enough hashtags?

Remember hashtags are like the icing on your Instagram posts. Without them, your posts just won't live up to the sweetness they deserve, because . . .
• Without hashtags you lower your engagement
Hashtags help you get into Top Posts which increases your chances of being seen even more
• Without hashtags you reduce your chances of being seen by new clients
Maybe you’re a photographer in Phoenix Arizona - brides might be looking for you in #phoenixwedding #phoenixweddings #phoenixweddingphotographer #phoenixbride #arizonabride #azbride - but without properly tagging your photos, you miss out on being seen
• Without hashtags you significantly reduce your chance of reaching new business leads
Properly tagged photos will increase your chances of being seen by other vendors in your area/niche and without them - you could miss out on a potential big collaboration

Wouldn’t you rather have 100+ likes and comments and engagement from potential clients/customers and collaborators instead of just 20 likes and no comments? So, let’s get those hashtags in there and not miss out on any business opportunities. You can use up to 30 hashtags and I personally suggest between 25-28 so you have room to add a few more down the road if needed for future features with other accounts.

Bottom Line: Never put up Instagram posts without hashtags. {hashtags can be placed in the first comment to be hidden and make your post look cleaner} You want hashtags so you give your Instagram post the exposure it deserves for engagement and reaching clients/customers.

One last thing with hashtags - never ever delete your hashtags! Deleted hashtags mean you are gone from your targeted hashtags forever and future clients will never see you.

So, let me ask you this - are you guilty of any of these Instagram mistakes? It’s ok of you are, but now you know how to start getting more engagement and growth potential with your Instagram account, right?

Want the complete list of 10 Instagram Mistakes you could be making right now that are hurting your growth and engagement?

Download the Top 10 Instagram Marketing Mistakes to Avoid today and be on your way to better engagement and an Instagram account that stands out in all the right ways.

Hurry and Grab your copy of Top 10 Instagram Marketing Mistakes to Avoid for Wedding Pros for just $9. Click the Buy Now button above and it's all yours to create an amazing Instagram feed to propel your business to the next level.

Sweet Social Media Stats from June | Business Goals for July 2016

This is now the third month where I post something very real, and something that holds me accountable for the goals I set for myself. It's been receiving a great response, so I'm going to continue it again this month. I hope you feel encouraged to set goals for yourself and your business as well. Feel free to leave a comment and share your goals or join me in my Facebook Group for Wedding Pros where I'll be posting and asking my members to join in the conversation.

It's already July, how is this possible by the way? Since we're already into the new month, it's time for me to tally all my social media following from June and see where I increased from the previous month. I'm now only setting 3 goals each month so I don't feel overwhelmed since it is summer and I want to be sure to enjoy the fun and sun with my family too. My goals are to keep increasing my following with my niche market and in return - increase sales and conversions. Because, our social media efforts should be resulting in rewards for our time, right? And, while the higher number are wonderful - they won't mean much if they aren't my targeted following.

Wedding Blogging Goals for July 2016 and Social Media Stats for June 2016 on Brenda's Wedding Blog

Whether it's making connections, gaining new clients or growing our email list - we all need to have goals with our social media postings. What will your July social media goals be? continue reading to see how my June ended up and then share your results/goals in the comments . . .

So, here's my social media following numbers from June 1st to June 30th, 2016:

Pinterest: from 11,246 to 11,642 > gained 396
If you're curious how I can keep up my Pinterest growth momentum - please take a peek at my 15 Days to Power of Pinterest Course built for Wedding Professionals. I invite you to Join Me as I will help you and your business grow with Pinterest by bringing traffic back to your web site and/or blog as well as reaching your target audience in just 15 Days.

Twitter: from 19,698 to 19,747 > gained 49

Facebook: from 3,692 to 3,699 > gained 7

Instagram: from 3,265 to 3,406 > gained 141
A little insight - I joined an Instagram challenge last month and was rather disappointed that I didn't see the results that were being promised. I wasn't the only one that felt this way as I chatted with several other wedding pros about this. Going forward, I'm going to stick to my own methods for growing a niche Instagram following. It's been a great decision because it's really working! If you want to join me and others as I share my Instagram tips, please join my Wedding Pro Only Facebook Group.

Periscope: from 604 to 623 > gained 19

Google+: from 606 to 607 > gained 1

I had a gain across all social media channels like the past two months - my biggest gains were with Pinterest and Instagram which are the ones I continually put the most focus on.

Free July 2016 Social Media Content Calendar Download

For June, these are the goals I set - let's see how I did . . .

1. Continue scheduling pins/re-pins {at least 10-20 per day}
Happy to say that while I may not have scheduled 10-20 each day, I did schedule pins and pinned live as well - and each week I ended up with 800-900+ repins

2. Get my posts shared on Google+ the day they go up
Still need to work on this one

3. Try Facebook Live
Still need to work on this one too

So, here's my three social media goals that I plan to take on in July. Please share your goals for this month in the comments.

Whether it's 1 or 5 - I'd love to hear how you will be working with your social media accounts this month and we can hold each other accountable.

1. Continue scheduling pins/re-pins {at least 10-20 per day} as Pinterest is my number one traffic referrer so it's important that my social media focus is here

2. Get my posts shared on Google+ the day they go up - moving this one to July and we'll see what happens - I have to get better at this one :)

3. Engage and Grow my Instagram Account Even More - I want to make July my biggest growth month yet for Instagram. So, I'll be engaging more with those accounts that like my photos and hopefully posting twice a day most of the week.

So, what will you be working on this month with social media? Please share in the comments. I want to be your personal cheerleader :)

Free July 2016 Social Media Content Calendar Download
How to Create Relevant Content for Social Media When You’re Stuck on Ideas

We all know about those fun and quirky national holidays right?

Not too long ago it was National Pink Day. Did you post anything to social media that day? The reason I ask is because I'm curious to know if you're using the National Holidays to your advantage? When you can’t think of something fun yet relevant to share with your audience on social media, all you have to do is consider what the quirky national holiday of the day or month is. For instance, July is National Blueberry Month which means it's time to get your Something Blue photos gathered and ready to share. If you use the fun holidays to your advantage, you can re-purpose content you already have in a new way. Are you ready to get started?

How to Create Relevant Content for Social Media when you're stuck on ideas - July 2016 edition

Grab Your Free Social Media Content Generator for July Below and get started right away creating fun content on social media.

Grab Your Free Social Media Content Generator for July Below and get started right away creating fun content on social media

For the entire month of July - here’s what’s happening in addition to it being National Blueberry Month . . .

National Culinary Arts Month - which is perfect for caterers or any wedding pro to share the food served at their weddings
Consider tagging #culinaryarts and/or #culinaryart and/or #weddingfood

National Hot Dog Month
Consider tagging #gourmethotdogs

National Ice Cream Month - this is ideal for summer to showcase ice cream cones. I love seeing these in engagement sessions. Or, maybe there’s an ice cream truck at your couple’s wedding?
Consider tagging #icecreamtruck and/or #icecreamcones

National Independent Retailer Month

National Picnic Month - I can see this being super popular for engagement sessions and even styled shoots
Consider tagging #picnicday and/or #picnictime and/or #picnicwedding

The following tags might also work - but right now, there’s not enough results in their searches to justify using them: #NationalCulinaryArtsMonth, #NationalHotDogMonth, #HotDogMonth, #NationalIceCreamMonth, #IceCreamMonth, #NationalIndependentRetailerMonth, #IndependentRetailerMonth, #NationalPicnicMonth

So, when your brain won’t let you think clearly, simply look to a fun National Holiday for inspiration. You will then have something relevant while being able to re-purpose content/photos you already have on hand. Just be sure to include targeted hashtags for the holiday to get some new eyes on your amazing work.

Request Your Free List of all the Unique National Holidays for each day in July below and get ready to have fun creating relevant content on social media.

The Truth Behind Instagram Engagement and Hashtags

I'm sure you have heard by now that the new Instagram algorithm is in full swing now and our home feed is no longer chronological. Well, I'm here to tell you there's no need to panic. {trust me, I did that on Friday . . . all day . . . and then I overcame the panic and have come back stronger than ever}

The Truth Behind Instagram Engagement and Hashtags - and why you aim for top post placement

The key is of course to be posting imagery that will quickly grab the attention of your readers that they want to see and then you want to pull them in with a great caption that either encourages engagement or simply makes them want to comment on the great photo you've just shared.

One, thing that helps your posts have a higher chance of being seen is with instant engagement. This helps to give your posts an extra nudge to show Instagram that you mean business. The quicker your posts get the engagement - the quicker you will appear in the Top Posts for your key hashtags you are targeting. And, not just for a few hours - I recently had a photo remain in Top Posts for one of my targeted hashtags for 6 days and continuing. My Instagram post from last night {shown below} was in 9 of the Top Posts for key hashtags 9 hours later. Four of those hashtags had over 100,000 tags in them. You always want to target hashtags that have over 10,000 in them - but you ideally want to aim to get into the Top Posts for tags that have between 100,000-300,000.

Why aim to get into the Top Post placement in your key hashtags?

Top Post placement means even more eyes on your content and posts - which means more followers and then KaChing! You'll start reaching your customers/clients and possible collaborators. And, the connections you can make as a results can lead to great things for your business.

So, now let me ask you a question . . .

Do you want to be left behind while everyone else wins at Instagram?
Or . . . do you want the support and the ability to kick the new Instagram algorithm in the butt?

If you are ready to win at the Instagram algorithm - please complete the form below to get the full scoop and join the BWB Pro Team before tomorrow {something big is happening tomorrow night at 10 pm est that will help your rock your instagram. But, hurry, there's only 8 spots remaining}.

Remember - Immediate likes + comments + targeted hashtags = WINNING! And, I have the ticket to the Winning. Complete the form below to see what I've got planned for you.

Complete the Form Below to Find out How to Kick Instagram's New Algorithm in the Butt!!!

Sweet Social Media Stats : Tally from May and Goals for June 2016

Last month I decided to start doing something totally new, something very real, and something that holds me accountable for the goals I set for myself. It received a great response, so it's going to continue and I hope you feel encouraged to set goals for yourself and your business as well. Feel free to leave a comment and share your goals or join me in my Facebook Group for Wedding Pros where I'll be posting and asking my members to join in the conversation.

Since June is now here it's time for me to tally all my social media following from May and see where I increased from the previous month. Since school is finishing up later this month for my oldest and her dance recital is this coming week, I'm going to only set 3 goals this month {instead of 5} as it's getting hectic. My goals are to keep increasing my following with my niche market and in return - increase sales and conversions. Because, our social media efforts should be resulting in rewards for our time, right?

Whether it's making connections, gaining new clients or growing our email list - we all need to have goals with our social media postings. What will your June social media goals be? continue reading to see how May ended up for me . . .

How to continually increase your social following and sales month after month

So, here's my social media following numbers from May 1st to May 31st, 2016:

Pinterest: from 10,837 to 11,246 > gained 409 {62 more than last month}
Twitter: from 19,610 to 19,698 > gained 88 {41 more than last month}
Facebook: from 3,655 to 3,692 > gained 37 {17 more than last month}
Instagram: from 3,060 to 3,265 > gained 205 {85 more than last month}
Periscope: from 568 to 604 > gained 36 {14 more than last month}
Google+: from 603 to 606 > gained 3 {4 less than last month}

I had a gain across all social media channels except for Google+ and like last month - my biggest gains were with Pinterest and Instagram which are the ones I put the most focus on.

For May, these are the goals I set - let's see how I did . . .

1. Going to continue scheduling pins/re-pins {at least 10-20 per day} as Pinterest is my first/second source for referral traffic each day - alternating with Google.
I am happy to say I did amazing with this one as I LOVE Pinterest. Just last week alone I had 831 repins and that was with scheduling a few less pins due to a busy week outside of work.

2. Scheduling more tweets {with photos and hashtags} to bring traffic back to my blog
Wasn't horrible and wasn't that great at this. I didn't necessarily schedule a ton - but I definitely sent tweets out as I utilize SumoMe on my blog and at anytime I can go into my blog posts and send out a tweet with a photo on the go. LOVE doing this!

3. Scoping more as April was hard when I got sick {losing my voice and coughing aren't a good mix for scoping}. But, I did join in conversations on other scopes which helped me gain followers even though I wasn't scoping as I had planned.
I did not do well with this one as I didn't scope at all in May {still gained followers though}. Despite not scoping, you know what? I'm ok with that. I came to the realization that my focus needs to be in my facebook group for wedding pros and I've loved the opportunity to work one-on-one with many wedding pros this past month and have even re-written Instagram profiles to take their accounts from "ho-hum to oh wow" and they are gaining followers and growing each day as a result. Literally brings a smile to my face to see that. And, when scopes started getting as gimmicky as the next webinar pitch - I just said enough is enough. When someone was scoping "How 20 oz of water a day saved my business" that pretty much sealed the deal. It's too much for me right now. But, I have a plan in one of my goals for June so be sure to see below :)

4. They say every 5th post should be a promo one for Instagram - I don't even think I do every 10. So, I'm going to work on that and promote both my freebies and services I offer. If it's not shared - how will anyone know what we offer, right?
This one I did great on and my post yesterday afternoon was converting at only 23 likes. This made me smile as it proves that it's not all about the likes - but if you post something that attracts your audience to take action, you've struck gold!

5. Get my posts shared on Google+ the day they go up - hard to remember to add this to the mix, but it doesn't take long and does still help with ranking despite what some say.
Unfortunately, I did not do well on this one at all. Moving this one to June :)

So, here's my three social media goals that I plan to take on in June. Please share your goals for this month in the comments.

Whether it's 1 or 5 - I'd love to hear how you will be working with your social media accounts this month and we can hold each other accountable.

1. Going to continue scheduling pins/re-pins {at least 10-20 per day} and want to bring back some past top posts with pin-friendly graphics to bring new eyes to the posts.

2. Get my posts shared on Google+ the day they go up - moving this one to June and we'll see what happens.

3. Try Facebook Live - remember how I had an idea above since I haven't been scoping? Well, I'd love to give Facebook Live a try on either my business page or my facebook group. The reach when a video is shared on my business page is huge so I'd love to see what it can do for me when I'm sharing tips to my followers.

So, what will you be working on this month with social media? Please share in the comments. I want to be your personal cheerleader :)

Sweet Social Media Stats Tally and Goals for May 2016

I decided to start doing something totally new, something very real, and something that holds me accountable for the goals I set for myself {and hopefully it will encourage you to set goals as well}.

It's now May which means it was time for me to tally all my social media following and see where I increased from the previous month. I also wanted to set 5 goals for myself to help continually increase my following {with targeted niche followers} and in return, help with sales. Because, after all - don't we want our social media efforts to bring us a reward for our time?

Whether it's making connections, gaining new clients or growing our email list - we all need to have goals with our social media postings.

So, here's my social media following numbers from March 31st to April 30th:

Pinterest: from 10,490 to 10,837 > gained 347
Twitter: from 19,563 to 19,610 > gained 47
Facebook: from 3,635 to 3,655 > gained 20
Instagram: from 2,940 to 3,060 > gained 120
Periscope: from 546 to 568 > gained 22
Google+: from 596 to 603 > gained 7

I had a gain across all social media channels which makes me super thrilled and the biggest gains were with Instagram and Pinterest. Those were the two social media platforms I focused the most on. The Pinterest growth was in part due to the launch of my Free Pinterest Planning Guide for Wedding Pros {along with a Pinterest Course that is finishing up the first round this week}. As a result of the course, I started scheduling pins with Tailwind and I'm not going to lie - that has been absolutely amazing - but more on that another time soon!!!}

So, here's my five social media goals that I plan to take on in May and please share your goals for this month in the comments.

Whether it's 1 or 5 - I'd love to hear how you will be working with your social media accounts this month and we can hold each other accountable.

1. Going to continue scheduling pins/re-pins {at least 10-20 per day} as Pinterest is my second source for referral traffic each day

2. Scheduling more tweets {with photos and hashtags} to bring traffic back to my blog

3. Scoping more as April was hard when I got sick {losing my voice and coughing aren't a good mix for scoping}. But, I did join in conversations on other scopes which helped me gain followers even though I wasn't scoping as I had planned.

4. They say every 5th post should be a promo one for Instagram - I don't even think I do every 10. So, I'm going to work on that and promote both my freebies and services I offer. If it's not shared - how will anyone know what we offer, right?

5. Get my posts shared on Google+ the day they go up - hard to remember to add this to the mix, but it doesn't take long and does still help with ranking despite what some say.

So, what will you be working on this month with social media? Please share in the comments.

PS: this post contains an referral link to Tailwind and when used - you will earn a free month of Tailwind Plus

Download your Free Pinterest Planning Guide for Wedding Pros

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